Royal LePage Shelter Foundation
On any given day in Canada, it is estimated that more than 3,000 women (and their 2,500 children) are living in an emergency shelter to escape domestic violence.
Safe Housing For All
As real estate professionals, we proudly dedicate our working lives to helping you find the foundation from which you can build your future. But we know a house is only a home when the people who live there feel safe, loved and accepted. Unfortunately, there are thousands of women and children across Canada who do not have that privilege.
The Royal LePage Difference
Royal LePage Shelter Foundation is Canada’s largest public foundation dedicated exclusively to funding women’s shelters and violence prevention programs. Every dollar raised directly impacts the more than 50,000 women and children who are served each year by the shelters and support programs we fund.
To make a meaningful difference at a local level, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation matches Royal LePage offices with a women’s shelter in their community. Royal LePage brokers, agents and staff are passionate champions for their local shelter. Since 1998, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation has raised more than $41 million and currently supports 200 local women’s shelters and national partners.
The Research to Support Our Cause
Violence against women happens in all cultures and religions, in all ethnic and racial communities, at every age, and in every income group.
Half of all women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16.*
Every year in Canada, an estimated 360,000 children witness family violence.**
On any given day in Canada, 3000 women (and their 2500 children) are living in an emergency shelter to escape family violence.***
On average, every six days in Canada a woman is murdered by her intimate partner.****
Collectively, Canadians spend $7.4 billion each year to deal with the aftermath of spousal violence. This figure includes immediate costs such as emergency room visits, future costs such as loss of income, and intangible costs such as pain and suffering.*****
* The Violence Against Women Survey, Statistics Canada, 1993. Although more up-to-date data would be preferable, no future Statistics Canada survey asked women about their life-time experience of violence.** Behind Closed Doors: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Joint report by UNICEF, The Body Shop International, and the Secretariat for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Children, 2006. *** Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2009, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada, page 12. **** Homicide in Canada, 2009, Sara Beattie and Adam Cotter, Juristat, Volume 30, Number 3, Statistics Canada, page 14. ***** An Estimation of the Economic Impact of Spousal Violence in Canada, 2009.

Helping You Is What We Do.

Doing Our Part
Whether through donating a portion of our commissions, volunteering our time, or hosting local fundraising events, Royal LePage REALTORS® are dedicated to providing safe housing for all. We are proud to be working with women’s shelters to bring hope and security to women and children experiencing violence and abuse. With our national partners, including the Canadian Women’s Foundation, and Women’s Shelters Canada, we are part of a movement to end domestic violence in Canada through prevention and education, including funding teen healthy relationship programs.
Over the years, we have helped many local non-for-profit organizations where funding is always an obstacle. You can find our agents participating in charitable activities all throughout the year through various means. From the annual Choices For Youth's 'Coldest Night of The Year' charity walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness to our annual, to School Breakfast Programs, and our annual Royal LePage Shelter Toss Charity Event, and others!

Read more about how we helped local women's shelter, Marguerite's Place, turn their Cooking Program dream into a reality through our agents efforts and what an impact it had on their residents.

How You Can Help
If you’re interested in supporting our cause, you can help us put an end to violence against women and children by:
#1: Making an online donation.
#2: Participating in one of our fundraising events.
#3: Sponsoring a participant in the Make a Statement for Shelter campaign.
#4: Donate or shop at the annual National Garage Sale for Shelter.
#5: Ensuring your next home purchase or sale is handled by a Royal LePage agent who makes commission donations.
We are very grateful for your support. Royal LePage Canada covers the foundation’s administrative costs so 100% of your donation will be directed to the cause.
Want to make your gift in honour or in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a happy occasion? Visit our secure online donations page.
Official charitable donation receipts are issued in February for gifts over $20 made in the previous calendar year. Charitable Reg. No. 882531304 RR0001. Tax Receipt Policy.