Looking to Purchase?
Here Are 4 House Hunting Tips to Get You Started:

Visit Open Houses
This way, you can view the home and find anything you might have missed through the online pictures, as they won't cover every aspect of the home. You'll know when you've found the home of your dreams, the minute you walk in through the door!
Educate Yourself on Market Values and Trends
Make sure you know the latest market values and trends, so when an opportunity presents itself, you can make a quick decision before the property is snapped up by another buyer or investor.
Develop a Team
Not only will a Real Estate Agent help you determine the best property for you based on needs, wants, and budget - but, they'll also be able to tell you when a property looks, "too good to be true." They also have a team of people around them, that they work closely with who can help push you in the right direction. Like a mortgage broker and a real estate attorney. They'll help you act fast when the opportunity is right for you!
Be Prepared with Your Offers
Be prepared, if you find yourself in a bidding war with another buyer. There are clauses you can include in your bid, to help you. Your real estate agent and attorney will be able to discuss these options with you further, to make sure it's in your best interest, first.